p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Monday, December 10, 2007

What the Hell is Wrong with these People?

I don't know if it was the weather or the alignment of the planets but everyone is in a funk. One of my favorite perverted friends sent me an email first thing this morning without a single reference to genitalia, sex, or animals "doing it". I emailed him back, expressing my disappointment. His reply: "Sorry, Its Monday, I'm tired and I just started my period."

From there the day got more grey and dreary.

My boss seemed out of sorts due to his company vehicle being in the shop, having to rent a car, his cell phone crapped out, his computer breaking down, and he has to go out of town the rest of the week.

Another coworker called asking for an employee roster. I explained that I don't really do that. I've done it in the past as a favor to him but I really don't have time right now. I could hear him freaking out, breathing harder. I told him to take a deep breath and release it. He could call HR and they could get it for him.

I drove to the gym after work and it was so foggy and grey that even though traffic was heavy, people just seemed to trudge along. No one was rushing or jocking lanes for better position.

Big Princess called while I was at the gym. I called her back but she was at work and didn't answer. I moved on to little princess and the gigantic homework assignment that is due Wed. She's had 3 weeks and I told her I wanted it completed by tonight. She's not done. She has questions. I told her last night that she had today to get with the teacher if she still had questions. She didn't.

This lead to a weepy, drawn out, whining session about how its not fair cause other kids have been told they don't have to do this project anymore. Its stupid and why should she have to do it.

Big Princess called back. Her little pickup "J Lo" won't shift and its on the side of the road, 2.5 hours from here. She caught a ride to work but: 1. she doesn't have the money to fix it, 2. she has 2 finals tomorrow, 3. the dorms close at 5 pm for the winter break. I told her its not the end of the world. She needs to get it to the garage first thing tomorrow, explain the situation to the mechanic, let adopted princess pick her up after her finals and bring her home. We'll loan her the money and let her borrow a vehicle so she can work while she's home. "Honey, its not the end of the world. You can always move back into your sister's bedroom and be our maid." My kind words caused her to cry in relief. (cause I'm good like that)

I hang up and little princess is now crying. "What's the matter? Are you crying about your homework assignment?" "No, its just that sometimes I think you love Big Princess more than me..." I explain that no I don't love either of them more than the other. Just in this instance, Big Princess has done nothing wrong but have some ill timed bad luck, while she has procrastinated a homework assignment that has me frustrated.

I then begged her not to start her period because I can't take any more drama today. I checked the calendar and informed her that Spring would be a better time, if she could hold off on that til then.

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