p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Monday, November 22, 2004

What am I supposed to do with that information?

How is it I had a three-day weekend and yet I feel more frazzled than ever? I called a friend to go shopping with me and no sooner than I picked her up she proceeds to tell me she’s going to leave her husband and how they haven’t been happy for at least the last year. Now people, I coveted her relationship with her husband. They seemed to have so much fun together. Now I’m hearing things I’ve got no business hearing.

So I spend more time than I should have with her because I wanted her to not feel rushed. “OK, you’re leaving your husband of twenty years, now I’ve got to pick up some groceries, get out.” I feel bad for her and her husband. I know it takes two to tango and it can’t all be his fault or her’s. She never asked me not to say anything to anyone and this is usually the first thing you tell your confessor. Is she hoping I’ll talk so people will know without her having to actually face them or is she testing my confidentiality?

I had a lot of people this week tell me things, personal things, that were none of my business but now I know. It’s hard to shut Pandora’s Box. Things aren’t always what they seem.


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