p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Friday, April 25, 2008

Damaged For LIFE

I dropped little princess at a sleep over and then hit the gym. Came home and hit the shower. Just as I shut the water off, I hear my cell phone go off in the livingroom.

Huh, I'll just call who ever it is back after I dry off and get dressed.

Ring, Ring, Ring... the house phone starts ringing the second my cell phone ceases.

Well, crap. Must be little princess. I run to the kitchen and grab the phone.

Hey, what are you doing?
Who is this?
It's Big Princess.
WHY ARE YOU CALLING ON THE HOUSE PHONE! (We've had many discussions regarding how to avoid using cell phone minutes by only calling each other cell to cell.)
Why are you yelling?
I had to jump out of the shower and run to get the phone because little princess is at a sleep over.
Hmmm, this is {insert Big Princess' name}, little princess' friend from school... I thought you were little princess.
Ahhh, crap. Look, I'm really, really, really sorry. You do know that little princess has an older sister with the same name right? I would never tell you I was naked. Could we not mention this to little princess? or anyone else for that matter?

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