p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I Have Feelings

(paraphrased from the orignal email)
How have you felt about some of the changes to our music at church?

A few years ago, I began feeling a need to add something else. I had been hearing about Taize music from France. A music style we might call "contemplative" is becoming popular around the country. A woman from the music team began singing some Taize chants on Sunday about a year ago. I also introduced chimes and periods of silence into worship.

If you have feelings about this you would like to express, write me back.

I waited several days before I responded. I considered not responding at all even though I have had a rather strong opinion in regards to the chants. (My family knows well my feelings and we've had several conversations regarding "the chants".) But believe it or not... I don't like to rock the boat. I was afraid that any negative response on my part would cause people to whisper behind their hands about how I ruined church for them.

I waited to reply so I could figure out why I had a problem with the chanting. I've watched others during the chanting respond favorably; eyes closed, smiling, swaying. I'm not saying everyone looks comfortable. Some look like a deer in the headlights but you know the saying, "you can't please everyone."

I just kept coming back to the last line of the email: "If you have feelings about this..."

Then after Church this Sunday I realized I don't like the Taize chants when they are not in English. (I think it may have something to do with bad memories of being forced to attend Mass in Latin as a child.) Maybe I missed the Sunday when it was explained to the congregation but I had no idea what Taize chants are or what I was supposed to be getting from it and that made it hard to like too. And I truly dislike having to repeat (or sing along) when I don't know what I'm saying (back to that non-English thing).

Anyways, I ponied up and sent my feelings via email.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

But White Shows the Dirt

I think little princess (who is now 5'10"... 2"-3" taller than Big Princess) was intrigued by fencing because as of fall 2007 she totally wanted to be a pirate. She also asked me if the fencing outfit came in other colors.

"Wouldn't white show the blood? I'd want it in black or maybe red?"

Yeah, cause I know how much she hates doing laundry.

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Monday, February 11, 2008

She Really is Mine

"So... what do you want to do after the dentist?"

"I've been thinking about doing tennis."

"What are you talking about, you don't even have a racket."

"Me and Lill were talking about 'doing' something together and wanted to do fencing. But I was all like, those outfits would be too hot... and ugly."

"You do look totally hot in a tennis skirt."

"Yeah, I know. That's why we decided on tennis. The outfits are totally cute."

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Saturday, February 02, 2008

VIP All Access Pass

One of the problems with getting into Heaven the traditional way, is that you have to spend so much time going to church, singing hymns, repenting, and then forking your money over to a collection basket. But what if you could just pay some money in advance, and free up your Sundays for something else?For $12.79, or $15.95 for the All Access Kit, you'll get your name added to the list in advance of checking in at the Pearly Gates. And just to assure any nay-sayers, the Reserve A Spot In Heaven offers everyone a money back guarantee, should Heaven reneg on your reservation.

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This exclusive package contains all necessary materials to get you into Heaven and experience all of the elite areas that are normally off-limits to normal citizens. If you want the entire Heaven experience then this is your package.

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